Rosh Online Wiki

Welcome to the Dungeons Portal.This page contains information and the listing of all the dungeons in Rosh Online:The Return of Karos

Zone - Zone Dungeon sittuated


Level Range - lvl monsters

Type - party/single

Player Count - lvl request

End Boss - Boss Dungeon


Name Zone Level Range Type Player Count End Boss
Aska(EID) - Town Berneo - 21 - 80 - Party - 3~5 - Whitewings -

Dungeon Keeper -

Town Berneo- 60~70- Party- 1~5 -Legalus(Green,Red,Yelow) -


Name Zone Level Range Type Player Count End Boss
Zendarune Sewer - Town Lupinel - Lv1 - all - all - -

Old Volantia -

Town Lupinel- Lv1- all- all - -

Tempteroon []

Name Zone Level Range Type Player Count End Boss
D.K(Warp to Belfry) - Town Temteroon - 39 - 50 - Party - 1~5 - Kacanteros -

Sentryheil Tower -

Map Tempteroon - 40~75- all- all - -

Peltrok []

Name Zone Level Range Type Player Count End Boss
Gelmenco's Den - Dragon head market - Lv1 - all - all - -


Name Zone Level Range Type Player Count End Boss
Dark Mine - Bhalasong - 53 - 55 - all - all -Legallus (Lv60) -

Seron Island[]
